Examples of solutions

We don't strive to solve problems, we strive to remove their causes.

Tax reporting

In-house solutions for your tax reporting requirements. Including proper verification, all statuatory returns and associated upload files, and change tracking.

The indirect tax solutions offer you 100% accuracy rates and hundreds of hours of saved time. The solution enhances all aspects of your tax compliance, from ERP access to tax rule verifications, from automatic VIES checks to upload files.

Envisioned is easy maintenance and in-house development within your current structure. No need for extra technical support or long term dependencies. Your current tax team can handle this. This is the setup.

This is a high performance, minimal dependency and maximum flexibility Fortune 500-class solution.


Our pre-made management solutions work to improve the capabilitites of a team.

It is structured with control of the performance and optimised staffing and training. Your actions prevent the need for reaction.

This is management by pro-activity.

Maintenance and development is easy and clearly within the scope of your current structure.

Information retrieval

Do you need to search for information and it is difficult to find? We know how to analyse the information in relation to your activites. This way we solve problems the best way - by removing the cause for them in the first place.

In Tax reporting we have available an automatic VAT ID check towards VIES. 


This links to a page summarising what items are available and links to purchasing them.

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